WCET Race day at Kenilworth Race Course

WCET Race day Kenilworth 2014

Every year the highlight of our fund-raising activities is the WCET Race Day held at Kenilworth Race Course, Cape Town.  Last year it was held on Sunday 30th November where we were able to participate in a full race card with very kind sponsors for each race and hosts of wonderful prizes for the auction and raffle.  We managed to raise the grand sum of R120 000.

The race sponsors were The Racing Association, Hesper Engineering, Drakenstein Stud, Khaya Stables, Ken Truter Racing, The Western Cape Bookmakers Association and Wilgerbosdrift.  To all of them we are most grateful for their support and generosity.  Klawervlei Stud offered a service to ‘Warm White Knight’, and Highlands Stud to ‘Jay Peg’ and we send them our huge appreciation.  And to all the Committee Members and Volunteers, huge thanks for providing some lovely venues and prizes for the auction and raffle.

Always of interest is the appearance of Lindy Peacock’s 2 miniature Shetland ponies who walk through the Peninsula Room with aplomb and it’s always a treat to see them getting in and out of the lift to get up to the 4th floor!  These little ponies help to raise a lot of cash which is thrown into buckets as they walk by!!

Make sure you keep a look out for the next Race Day towards the end of this year.

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